我大學所申請的科目是Theatre design, 因此我的畢業作品亦以Set design為主。我選擇了一個非常傳統和具有中國色彩的傳說故事《彼岸花》作為創作主題, 而更最重要的就是這一個長達九星期的Project由資料搜集資料到成品製作全都是自己一個人完成。
My new blog entry is talking about my final major project and exhibition. Well, many people always ask me about my major and what am i doing in foundation year as well. Some people think that i am a fashion student. In fact, i specialized in theatre art which was separated with several fields. For instance, set design, make up, costume, prop making, lighting and sounds, etc.
So, I had chosen to design a setting for my final major project. And my theme was a traditional Chinese legend which was called Hagan Bana. And the most important thing is that we were working independently for doing research, development, design, even constructing our final piece in 9 weeks.
My new blog entry is talking about my final major project and exhibition. Well, many people always ask me about my major and what am i doing in foundation year as well. Some people think that i am a fashion student. In fact, i specialized in theatre art which was separated with several fields. For instance, set design, make up, costume, prop making, lighting and sounds, etc.
So, I had chosen to design a setting for my final major project. And my theme was a traditional Chinese legend which was called Hagan Bana. And the most important thing is that we were working independently for doing research, development, design, even constructing our final piece in 9 weeks.
鬼門關,黃泉路,彼岸花,忘川河,奈何橋,孟婆湯,三生石 大家有興趣可以閱讀一下。
我的設計靈感主要來自日本大師Yayoi Kusama的infinity mirror room。我在左右兩邊用了鏡面反射的原理把空間擴大,來營造出一種無限空間的感覺。相中的花則是用紙巾所做的,再用了3條5米長的LED燈打成紅色;而背景則覆蓋了一層錫紙。不過在這個成品中存在着一致命的弱點,就是最後的設計圖中,其實在錫紙前面還吊了一層貼有破璃醉屑的透明膠,當有燈光射到這些小醉屑上的折射點時,它們就會閃閃發光。而觀看者站在不遠的地方看過去,感覺就像一邊走在黃泉路上一邊看星星。但在Set up的當天,我才發現我從網上Order的物料不翼而飛。因此我也放棄了這一個部份的製作。
Actually, my idea was mostly inspired by infinity mirror room ,which was created by a Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. So I used two mirrors to create an endless space as well. The flowers were made by tissue paper and i also used 3 5m LED light to change the flower's color to red. Moreover, the background was covered some foil paper. But there is a fatal weakness in my final piece. I planned to have a transparent layer which was covered with lots of broken glasses. When the lights shine to those broken glasses, they will be shiny and when you look at the setting as if you are stargazing on the Yumi road. But when i start to set up exhibition, the transparent paper roll was lost. So i gave up my plan in the very end.
The original Higan Bana (Latin name: Lycoris radiata) have two colors: red and white. I was inspired to create a color changing set which use light to change the color that i want. Thats the other reason for using tissue paper to create the props.
通常在設計的過程中,我一般都會先試做不同的實驗,而Model Making就是set design裡最重要的一個環節。以下我將會分享下我做的小模型和實驗。
I usually do some experiment during my development and model making is an significant part of my design process. I am going to show you some models and experiments.
這個就是3D Model。因為做成品的材料會有所被限制,而且我在製作模型的時候並沒有按照比例製作,所以成品和模型上會有一定差距。
This is final 3D Model. As limited material and proportion, there was a little bit difference between the model and real setting. Hope you will enjoy it, cheers!!;)
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