Thursday, 12 June 2014

CSVPA Lan's final design photo shot


前幾天,我去幫了一位同學讀fashion design的同學Lan拍攝她的畢業作品,對我來說這是一個頗為不錯的經驗。由穿衣服到正式拍攝,整個過程差不多大約花了三個多小時才完成。而這一次的拍攝和化裝則由令一位讀fashion promotion的同學Rusalka做指導。

People around me will always update their blog, which motivates me to start my own blog to record and share my art work to everyone.

Several days ago,  i have been asked to help in taking photo for  Lan my housemate's final piece. This was a valuable experience. It took us 3 hours from preparation to photo shoot. Rusalka who is a fashion promotion student is the director of this activity.


These photographs were taken in my house garden and then they were selected carefully by the designer herself. We used two different cameras Nikon D5100 and Sony NEX-3N. But, those photos mostly selected from Sony 3N and there are two main reasons. Firstly, the function of Sony 3N (soft exposure). Secondly, the black mark on the wall ,which is caused by BBQ two months ago. At the beginning, we are so worried about it will affect the photos but at the very end we were so surprise that the clothes was outstanding by the black marks.


這是我第一次跟着Fashion design和Fashion promotion的同學工作,她們真的非常敬業樂業。同時令到我和另一位幫忙的同學Stephanie感到非常新奇又有趣。下一篇Blog我會讀關於自己的個人畢業作品和學年成果展,希望大家喜歡這次我所分享的工作經驗和繼續關注我下一篇Blog。

The theme is finger print (futurism). The designer chose grey, blue, sliver and white color for eyes makeup to match the clothes. The other photo is the detail of the clothes.

This was the first time to work with fashion and fashion promotion students and they are so awesome. Stephanie and I feel vey fresh and fascinating about this project. This next entry, i will introduce my final major project and exhibition. Hope you will like my sharing and continue to follow my update. Enjoy;)

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