Saturday, 16 August 2014

My first abstract painting


不過這一次的畫比較特別,因為這次並沒有使用任何筆刷去創作。 一般,我都不太常畫抽象畫,因為很難讓欣賞者明白個中的意思;就像幾天前有位朋友突然問我,“你到底在畫什麼?”每個人看到的“信息”都會有所不同,從而提供了很多想像的空間,這就是抽象畫。

I am preparing for my IELTS recently and I am apologized for my absence on my blog, fortunately I got some spare time to do my favorite stuff. For this time, I'm gonna introduce my abstract painting which was created a months ago.

This painting is somehow special to me 'cause i didn't used any brush on it.  I don't usually create an abstract painting that is not easy to be understood and eventually a friend of mine asked "what are you drawing actually?" If you ask, then i would say, we admire artworks as different perspectives, the messages within can vary from individual personnel. The enormous imagination generated from the form of art, is what i called abstract painting.

這次的抽象畫是由Denis Murrell教授給我的,他是一位非常可愛的老師。在材料方面,我用了一些餐巾紙和媒材。而我個人很喜歡粉色系的顏色,所以讀色選擇了粉紫、粉紅和白色為主調,再加上深寶藍作襯托。

開始時,我首先在紙巾上創作了很多不同形狀和顏色的圖案, 並將它們自然晾乾。接着就把晾乾好的圖案撕下來 ,再將它們排列好後,順序貼在帆布上。

This abstract painting was tutored by Denis Murrell who is a funny teacher. For those materials, I used some tissue paper, acrylic paint and mix media. I chose white, rose, lavender for the main color to make a contrast with the navy blue since I am a fanatic of pastel color.

At the beginning, I created some patterns with different types of shape and vary colors on the tissue, then made them dried naturally and tore out the pattern. After that I arrange them on the canvas in order.



At the end,
"What do you discover through my painting?"
"Does it impress you and how is your expression?"

Thus, Denis is adorable and interesting, isn't he? ;)