不久前,在偶然的機會下認識了一位本地的年青藝術家-霍凱盛 Eric Fok,很多人都應該是因為他的作品(樂園)入選了意大利波隆那插畫展才認識他到的, 我也不例外。而他就是這一次工作坊的導師。在我還沒有回國的時候,就一直盼望有機會可以看到Eric的畫作。沒想過今次看了真跡,還可以有機會上到他的課。
Hi, everyone;) I am enjoy my summer break currently. I apologize that I am quite busy recently and have no time to update my blog. Actually, my holiday mainly for studying. Of cause, beside studying, i have planned variety activities about art. This Monday I have joined an activity and my new blog entry is written about the drawings of world's heritage in Macau.
It's my pleasure to meet a young local artist - Eric Fok, since his art piece paradise had been selected for the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013, he became quite famous in Macau. Meanwhile, he tutored on this weekend as well. Before i came back from England, i had been looking forward to appreciate Eric's work. However, I did and all of his art work are absolutely awesome and brilliant, also the drawings were drawn precisely, that's incredible!
Eric specializes in using fine liner to draw. Thus, he like to create lots of map drawings in different shape and size. The previous day of the activity, there was a preparation and he recommended some of his masterpiece to us.
Hi, everyone;) I am enjoy my summer break currently. I apologize that I am quite busy recently and have no time to update my blog. Actually, my holiday mainly for studying. Of cause, beside studying, i have planned variety activities about art. This Monday I have joined an activity and my new blog entry is written about the drawings of world's heritage in Macau.
It's my pleasure to meet a young local artist - Eric Fok, since his art piece paradise had been selected for the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013, he became quite famous in Macau. Meanwhile, he tutored on this weekend as well. Before i came back from England, i had been looking forward to appreciate Eric's work. However, I did and all of his art work are absolutely awesome and brilliant, also the drawings were drawn precisely, that's incredible!
Eric specializes in using fine liner to draw. Thus, he like to create lots of map drawings in different shape and size. The previous day of the activity, there was a preparation and he recommended some of his masterpiece to us.
Due to the boom of using fine liner to draw within the local student in the U.K. , this was the launch of using fine liner in my life. At that time I drew plenty of fine liner illustration which were portray mostly, but i was not skilled at all.
this two days, i did lots of quick drawing (some world's heritages). I experienced the most difficult part - perspective and technique of using fine liner.
Beside the drawing of architecture , i did some small pieces of surrounding things as well. Nevertheless, this type of drawings will be a valuable record in your journey.
Some photos were taken on that day
The following entry will be about photography.
hope you enjoy;)