Tuesday, 21 October 2014

UWAGA! in Macau

Hello everyone, how's your day? Most of my friends are busy on their work or studies while I am enjoying my gap year holiday. Many people kept on asking me the same question , "what are you going to do this year? " Well, actually I got many things to do. For instance, studying, painting and traveling.

Two months ago, I registered for a workshop "UWAGA!" in Macau; " UWAGA" is a portuguese word which means "pay attention!"
Nowadays, how does a citizen get his/her voice to be heard in the public space? UWAGA! A multidisciplinary project that uses urban art to embark on a performative journey to approach people on the streets directly. Its' goal is to amplify their opinions on their inhabit. Moreover, a public dimension is given by those opinions.

Hence, this project is about making a public installation by using cardboards. First of all, we did a group discussion of ideas and artists researches. Here I would like to share some creative, inspiring art works.



而這一次是要用紙皮來做一個裝置藝術。首先,我們做了一些Idea分享和artist reseach,而跟外國人一起交流最大的好處就是,你可以有機會認識一些國外的文化。下面會介紹一些有趣的artwork。

A few days ago, I heard a news which was bout a street artist called Banksy. He was arrested by the police.  I felt shock bout this new which reminds me "How can we protect street art or temporary art?" I remembered that there was a workshop which provided an opportunity to create an installation of horse sculptures. Unfortunately, most of the horse sculptures have been damaged by the tourists
in the public areas. As it can be seen that Macanese pay less attentions for the protection of street art. Thus, I sincerely want to bring out a msg through this workshop.

During this workshop, I faced many obstacles, for example: "
I have to think of a professional word which can fully describe "How can we protect street art or temporary art?". As my english is not good enough, therefore I have to ask helps from my English teacher. He suggested me using a word "Fragile"which means easily broken. When you communicate with someone, you will definitely used language and vocabulary. However they also are fragilely because the meanings are easily changed in different language.

However, there are some reason and I changed my mind. Ultimately, I have used the word "Art" instead of "Fragile". By the way, the name is not the main stuff we are concerned, we should focus on the build up process.

幾天前看到一則關於街頭藝術家Banksy被捕的新聞報道,從而令我想起了新年的時候擺放在澳門各以馬做主題的裝置藝術品。那時候, 那些雕塑擺放在街上沒多久就被嚴重的損壞,可見人們對保護街頭藝術意式極之微薄。所以我想通過這個工作坊,帶出這個信息,而我第一個遇到的問題便是“語言”。

首先,我要想好一個可以用來表達“保護街頭藝術”的生字。由於辭量有限,所以我去了問我的外語老師, 他見意我用“Fragile”這個字,意思是“容易損壞的”。他還提醒了的一件事,當你與別人溝通時,就從必定會用到語言及生字。而它們都是一種“易碎品”,因為在不同的文化中,生字的解釋也會有所不同。但是因為某些原因,我把“Fragile”改成“Art”。Anyway這篇Blog要介紹的是制作過程,所以不要介意我選擇了哪一個生字。


This is the first chance I use this technology - use the projector to make a 3D artwork. My final work will be posted below this paragraph. Let me introduce this technology to all of you.In this technology, prospective is the most important factor because you can only see the 3D artwork only at the particular angle; assume that you are standing in other angles, the 3D artworks will morphed.

The most difficult part to make an artwork by using this tecnology was "cooperation", team work is extremely important: In this case, one people have to hold the projector steady and the other one should measure the scale accurately, with their perfect cooperations, the 3D artwork will be finished flawless.

In short, I enjoyed using this technology. I hope you can learn something from my sharing, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to comment. Thank you for taking time to visit my blog. I will upload the newest entrance monthly.



Saturday, 16 August 2014

My first abstract painting


不過這一次的畫比較特別,因為這次並沒有使用任何筆刷去創作。 一般,我都不太常畫抽象畫,因為很難讓欣賞者明白個中的意思;就像幾天前有位朋友突然問我,“你到底在畫什麼?”每個人看到的“信息”都會有所不同,從而提供了很多想像的空間,這就是抽象畫。

I am preparing for my IELTS recently and I am apologized for my absence on my blog, fortunately I got some spare time to do my favorite stuff. For this time, I'm gonna introduce my abstract painting which was created a months ago.

This painting is somehow special to me 'cause i didn't used any brush on it.  I don't usually create an abstract painting that is not easy to be understood and eventually a friend of mine asked "what are you drawing actually?" If you ask, then i would say, we admire artworks as different perspectives, the messages within can vary from individual personnel. The enormous imagination generated from the form of art, is what i called abstract painting.

這次的抽象畫是由Denis Murrell教授給我的,他是一位非常可愛的老師。在材料方面,我用了一些餐巾紙和媒材。而我個人很喜歡粉色系的顏色,所以讀色選擇了粉紫、粉紅和白色為主調,再加上深寶藍作襯托。

開始時,我首先在紙巾上創作了很多不同形狀和顏色的圖案, 並將它們自然晾乾。接着就把晾乾好的圖案撕下來 ,再將它們排列好後,順序貼在帆布上。

This abstract painting was tutored by Denis Murrell who is a funny teacher. For those materials, I used some tissue paper, acrylic paint and mix media. I chose white, rose, lavender for the main color to make a contrast with the navy blue since I am a fanatic of pastel color.

At the beginning, I created some patterns with different types of shape and vary colors on the tissue, then made them dried naturally and tore out the pattern. After that I arrange them on the canvas in order.



At the end,
"What do you discover through my painting?"
"Does it impress you and how is your expression?"

Thus, Denis is adorable and interesting, isn't he? ;)

Monday, 14 July 2014

illustration of world's heritage in Macau


不久前,在偶然的機會下認識了一位本地的年青藝術家-霍凱盛 Eric Fok,很多人都應該是因為他的作品(樂園)入選了意大利波隆那插畫展才認識他到的, 我也不例外。而他就是這一次工作坊的導師。在我還沒有回國的時候,就一直盼望有機會可以看到Eric的畫作。沒想過今次看了真跡,還可以有機會上到他的課。


Hi, everyone;) I am enjoy my summer break currently. I apologize that I am quite busy recently and  have no time to update my blog. Actually, my holiday mainly for studying. Of cause, beside studying, i have planned variety activities about art. This Monday I have joined an activity and my new blog entry is written about the drawings of world's heritage in Macau.

It's my pleasure to meet a young local artist - Eric Fok, since his art piece paradise had been selected for the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013he became quite famous in Macau. Meanwhile, he tutored on this weekend as well. Before i came back from England, i had been looking forward to appreciate Eric's work. However, I did and all of his art work are absolutely awesome and brilliant, also the drawings were drawn precisely, that's incredible!

Eric specializes in using fine liner to draw. Thus, he like to create lots of map drawings in different shape and size. The previous day of the activity, there was a preparation and he recommended some of his masterpiece to us.


Due to the boom of using fine liner to draw within the local student in the U.K. , this was the launch of using fine liner in my life. At that time I drew plenty of fine liner illustration which were portray mostly, but i was not skilled at all.


this two days, i did lots of quick drawing (some world's heritages). I experienced the most difficult part - perspective and technique of using fine liner.


Beside the drawing of architecture , i did some small pieces of surrounding things as well. Nevertheless,  this type of drawings will be a valuable record in your journey.

Some photos were taken on that day

The following entry will be about photography.
hope you enjoy;) 

Monday, 16 June 2014

CSVPA exhibition overview

CASPA Exhibition 14/6 15/6 @Kings street, Cambridge

Graphic design:

Fashion Promotion:

Fine Art:



Fashion design:

Interior design: